The other day I was scrolling through social media and came across a post that posed this question: “If asked, what would the people who know you say you love?” The answers varied greatly. Some people listed foods such as ice cream, pizza, or coffee. Others said their family, friends, and even sports teams. At […]
Life is Tough

As the anniversary of September 11th came about this year I couldn’t help but think of the days and weeks that followed . This was a day that affected all of us in one way or another. Some directly and others indirectly, but we all felt something. In the days after 9/11 we saw people […]
When Life Gets Busy…

Over the last year I find myself busier than ever, being a mom to a one year old and working full time. I often find myself at the end of the day wondering where the time went. Anytime I sit down and try to take a break from all the happenings I can’t help but […]
Speaking the Truth in Love

It seems everywhere we look today there is controversy and heated debates. Everyone has an opinion and many feel the need to express their point of view. As someone who has very strong opinions relating to many topics I have found it increasingly difficult to hold my tongue. In fact this week I found myself […]