In Daniel 9, a captivating scene unfolds as the angel Gabriel brings a prophecy to Daniel—a prophecy that spans centuries and foretells the arrival of the Messiah with uncanny precision. These verses in Daniel 9, often called the “backbone of biblical prophecy,” carry the profound message of God’s unfolding plan. As Gabriel speaks, we gain […]
God Restores Our Lives

In life, we all face moments when we feel like we’ve hit rock bottom. Mistakes pile up, and we feel like we’ve wandered too far from God to find our way back. But no matter how far we stray, how deep we fall, or how lost we feel, there is one constant truth: God is […]
Resisting Temptation

Life is full of temptations, isn’t it? The allure of sin and the world’s pleasures can seem so appealing in the moment. But as we’ll discover through the inspiring story of Daniel, giving in to those temptations often leads to devastating consequences. Daniel’s unwavering commitment to honoring God in the face of adversity is a […]
The High Cost of Pride

The reign of King Solomon marked a golden era in the history of Israel, a time of unprecedented peace, prosperity, and wisdom. Yet, as the old adage goes, “pride comes before a fall,” and this truth would soon play out in dramatic fashion, leading to the fateful split of the kingdom. In the pages of […]
From Rebellion To Restoration

How God’s Grace Triumphs Over Our Failures Have you ever felt like you’ve fallen too far from God’s grace? Maybe you’ve made choices that have taken you down a dark path, or you’ve struggled with the same sin for years. It’s easy to look at your life and think, “There’s no way God could ever […]
5 Steps to Overcome Doubt

Have you ever lost faith in something you had previously trusted? For example, I lead the tech team in the sound booth and part of my job is to train new volunteers on how to run slides. The task is usually straightforward: click the slide just before it’s asked for, so the process is seamless. […]
Our Mission Field

As we began to dream up renovations in our student and kids rooms at the church, I was struck by inspiration. A big beautiful mural representing all that Cumberland County has to offer, an image that our students would walk by each week and be reminded of one thing, Our Mission Field. That is what […]
Reflect on You

I have the privilege to be part of a late night show on Twitch called Pastors After Dark, on this show we take anonymously submitted questions about anything and everything, then we give a biblical answer to them live. During our off season, we’ve decided that we all need to be healthier, so we’re doing […]
Handling War?

The last several years have been unusual, to say the least. Between COVID, lockdowns, endless political divisions, contested elections, and everything else it’s been a crazy couple of years. Now, war? How should a Christian respond in such uncertain times? When the entire world is going crazy, when darkness seems to be prevailing, when we […]
Are you Spiritually Gifted?

Have you ever been a part of a team? Maybe for a sport, band, or even a group of friends that plays a video game together? One of the things I always loved about playing sports and now playing games with friends is that a team can take several different skill sets and make them […]