It’s definitely summertime! Every day I see people out working in their yards- mowing, weeding, mulching, and spraying. Some have beautiful yards. Some are a work in progress. The fact is, a beautiful yard of lush, green grass doesn’t grow naturally. Weeds do. And those who want a beautiful yard, spend a lot of time […]
Rest, in 2020?
What does “rest” look like in 2020? I know that since the beginning of the year the majority of us have had more time at home than we have in a very long time. We have all had plans of some kind change, gotten canceled, or at the very least, “rescheduled due to the pandemic”. […]
Being a Light
The United States is currently full of anger, division, and distrust. We could debate about the issues and the core of the problems here, but that is being played out on social media and news outlets as we speak (all with their own spin). It all boils down to darkness in our world. The […]
Go and Tell
Jesus commanded us to do many things, being silent was not one of them. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, – Matthew 28:19 He actually commanded the opposite, He told us to make disciples of all […]
Lord, I Want To Be A Camel
Sometimes, I believe, when God is really trying to teach us something specific, He creates these recurring themes in our lives. For me, this week, it’s been all about camels. Yes, you read that right. Camels. In the beginning of the week, I was studying the New Testament writer, James and learned that tradition says […]
The God of PEACE
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When I was a child we sang an old hymn in church called “Wonderful Peace” with these lyrics: Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; In celestial strains, it unceasingly falls O’er my soul like an infinite calm. Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Coming down from […]
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Today, let’s talk about confusion! The dictionary defines the word confusion as “lack of understanding; uncertainty, a situation of panic; a breakdown of order, the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something”. I mean, if we are being honest, the last line there could sum up the entirety of 2020 so […]
5 Reasons to Trust that the Bible is True
What good are the truths of scripture if there is no truth to scripture? This may not be a hurdle many Christians have to jump over but for a young non-believing Jeff, realizing that the bible was more than some old book written by a couple of dude’s wanting to push their agenda was essential […]
Have you ever played the game Simon Says? When I served in youth ministry, I would go to Winter Conference with the youth group every year. And every year we would play this game called “Clayton Says”. It was a more intense version of Simon Says led by the conference leader, Clayton King. And let […]
Walking With Purpose
For 21 years I have been a music teacher. I have prided myself on being a student advocate. I have made it my mission to love each student (even the difficult ones that make me inwardly roll my eyes occasionally). I have been sure to be an open proponent of arts education as well as […]