It has been said that the only constant in life is “change” a quote attributable to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. With the passing of another year, I have been thinking a lot lately about change. This year is going to bring some big changes into my life; some highly anticipated – an addition to our […]
The Gifts We Bring

I am crafty – meaning I like to make things. Mostly I like to sew and make things with fabric, but I’ve tried lots of different things with varying degrees of success. My mom was crafty too, she could draw and paint beautifully and she taught me how to sew. I am not very good […]
Don’t Worry

Last night my husband told me “You worry too much”. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it and no doubt it won’t be the last either. We are in the process of readying our house to put it for sale. I have lists and I like to check things off my list. It feels […]
Group Think

What group or groups do you belong to? Are you male or female, Christian or non-Christian, US citizen or from another country, old or young, married not married, union, non-union, Republican or Democrat? I happen to be an older woman married to a man who is the mother of two sons. I am also a […]
What the World Needs Now

….Is love sweet love. This is the title of a popular song written in 1965. I don’t listen much to current music, I’m more of a classic/yacht rock kind of girl. I’d rather have music playing in the background while I go about my day than have the TV blaring. I even like oldies from […]
What’s Wrong With The Ten Commandments Anyway?

Several years ago, I had a bit of a heated conversation with my grown son about “religion”. He was going on about how religion was to blame for almost all the wars that have ever happened and how a lot of religious people are such hypocrites. This was at a time when there was a […]
Leaving a Legacy

What do you want to be remembered for after your gone? Not the type of question most of us spend a lot of time thinking about because it’s not a pleasant topic…dying and all. The idea came up in a recent Bible study and I listened to a podcast that asked this question recently so […]
Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement I’m an “external” process speaker – what I mean by that is I actually process what I’m saying while I’m saying it much of the time. I don’t always take it all in, ponder it, access my thought bank, and then reply. I often speak off the cuff and if truth be […]
Morals and Values

Morals and Values… we even put much stock in these terms ‘nowadays’? I wonder if you asked a young person today for a list of their personal values would they know what you meant let alone have an answer? I don’t mean to pick on young’uns because I think it is actually a good question […]