August 21, 2019

Eat Your Words

Hello friends,  The idiom, “eat your words” has been around for a decent stretch of time. In fact, Shakespeare even used it in his play, Much Ado About Nothing, which was published in the 17th century. However, in the modern context, the phrase is typically used with a negative connotation. Cambridge Dictionary defines the idiom, […]

Living with Death


Hello friends,   Death is not an easy thing to talk about. Nobody likes to be reminded they’re going to die, and nothing is as harsh of a reminder as a young adult or child meeting an untimely end. It hurts in a different way because they were young. When an older person dies, it’s […]


Priority #1


What is of most importance? I have so many roles! Wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, worship leader, my own personal trainer, home chef, shopper, maid, and laundry queen to name a few. Okay, those last few were a bit silly, but don’t you feel that way also? So many roles and responsibilities – and […]