“Lean In” is a phrase I hear quite often in the church world. This suggestion to “lean in” is a posture of undivided attention, of intrigue, curiosity, and a desire to learn. I notice that when I want my daughter’s attention I have her look me in the eye and lean into what I’m saying to her.

The position we take when we are wanting to learn something is very important. When we “lean in” we are doing so in a way that is determined, calculated, and intentional. In church, we’re told often to “lean into what God is saying” or to “lean into what His plan is for our lives”.

Something I have noticed in my walk with God is I have a desire to “lean in” to what God is saying more when something negative or worrisome is going on in my life. I sometimes pray more and more fervently when something is going wrong in my life than I do when things are going well. I seek God’s word and wisdom more often and with a deeper hunger that I do when I’m not struggling with things.

I have experienced myself and others really “lean in” with my physical posture, attitude, and mind when my life isn’t going the ways in which I would want it to.

I wonder though, why don’t I do that when it is? Why don’t I have that desire to connect with God in those ways when I’m feeling strong mentally?

I honestly believe it’s because we slightly forget that we need God just as much in the light as we do in the dark.

I have to remind myself over and over again that God and His Word is not just there for me when I need something, He’s also there to walk with me through the happy and content times as well.

I know I’m not the only one that finds myself behaving in this way.

I know we all want to be the kind of Jesus follower that “leans in” to the Words God has for us. I want to learn from Jesus with undivided attention, intrigue, curiosity, and intention. I want to praise God when things are bad and when things are good.

This week I’m challenging myself, and I hope that you will consider doing this with me as well, to set aside a special prayer time of praise, and thankfulness. A time in which I won’t ask for ANYTHING but just give God the praise for what I have and what He has done for me.

I have seen God move this week! I’m sure you have too, in some form or another! Let’s take some time and thank Him for it!


God, thank You for always be there for us. Thank You for walking through life with us, for being there in the light of our lives and lighting the way for us in the darkness. Forgive us for all the times we have allowed the world to take away the praise You deserve and for missing out on opportunities to “lean in” to You and Your goodness. Help us to learn from You with an open mind, open hearts, and intention!

In Jesus Name,


Jessica Evans
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One thought on “Lean In

  1. That was very well put and true. We pray when things are wrong or troubling but sometimes we don’t thank for the good.

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