“Merry Christmas!” “Have you been a good little girl?” “Is Santa coming to see you this year?” These are often things that we say to children at Christmas time. To adults we say things like, “Merry Christmas! “Is your tree up yet?” “Is your shopping done?” Notice what (WHO) is not mentioned in those […]
Cloudy Day

Recently my email server had an update and suddenly I was not able to access my work emails. Now mind you, it had been warning me it was going to update for weeks, but I thought if I just ignored it, I would be able to sneak under the radar and not have to learn […]
Finding Joy

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:2-3. I have been reminding myself of this verse a lot these past few weeks. The trials seem to just keep coming one on top of another, some minor ones […]
What Do You Miss

We all have memories. If we’re lucky, we especially have Thanksgiving and Christmas memories. Maybe you had a small family and the holidays were a quiet restful time together. Maybe your family is pretty big and this time of year was crazy and loud. I came from a big family on both Dad and Mom’s […]
But God

When I was in paralegal school we learned about the “but- for test”. To put it simply, when prosecuting a case, the attorney must show that the plaintiff’s injuries were the result of the defendant’s actions. In other words, “but-for” the defendant doing X this wouldn’t have happened. For example, Bob runs a red […]
How Strong Are You?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 When I was a child, most of my family lived in my neighborhood. My paternal Grandfather took the farm in which his home was built and subdivided it into lots for […]
What Am I Telling My Grandchildren?

I am a grandma. I have three different names I go by, as of right now. My grandson Max calls me YaYa. My grandson Conner and granddaughter Ayla call me grandma. My granddaughter Juniper calls me Gamma. I have another granddaughter who will arrive anytime in the next few weeks. I’m guessing her sister will […]
Armchair Quarterbacks

As I sit here watching Tennessee football with my husband yelling at the tv screen… I feel sorry for the players. Even though I’m pretty sure they can’t hear him. The neighbors might… but the players won’t. But thousands of people are watching this game critiquing their every move. As we watch from afar […]
God’s Plan is Better Than Mine

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Then have no care for tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Take the trouble of the day as it comes. Matthew 6:33-34 Some people are weavers: they take lots of loose threads and […]