I am like an onion that is getting its layers peeled back. The outer peel is what we wear, music and places we like. It doesn’t matter. The next layer is a little more important where we grew up, what our childhood was like, our personality type. The third layer is our relationships, what we […]
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! It has taken me a long time to get past the “bah humbug syndrome “. It use to be my favorite time of the year when the kids were small. All the hustle and bustle and cutting down the real tree every year. Darrell and I started a tradition of buying a small […]
Wobbly Road: Part 8

“The other side of Fear is Freedom” Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. The moment you start worrying about what other people think, it’s over, because the fear of disapproval is […]
Wobbly Road – Part 7

Facing My Fear and Being Honest I wanted change so I had to face the fear and be honest. Stop faking it, be real. This begins the healing. I brought all my pain to God. Healing doesn’t mean it never existed. It just means the anger does not control me any longer. My sins were […]
Wobbly Road Part 6

I was this person that thought I didn’t have to be in a church to worship God. I know we can and should worship God all the time. I could worship Him anywhere. Right? There is no church that would accept me in all my sin. Wrong! We gather together because we know God asks […]
Wobbly Road: Part 5

Then I met Darrell, my husband for the last 23 years. Poor man didn’t know I came with so much baggage, so many negative messages and past bad habits. I was a divorcee twice before. These words grip my heart with shame and terror. I am not proud of my past. I didn’t really like myself. How could […]
Wobbly Road: Part 4

We are more likely to fall back on the same patterns of behaviors and actions, even when we know we are just repeating ourselves. While in the Air Force I met another young man. I was married to him for 17 years., and two beautiful boys came into this world. We used the money my Daddy […]
Wobbly Road: Part 3

My Dad left me the house in his will but with the stipulation my stepmother could live in it until she passed, and I was to go live with my sister who I didn’t even know. She lived in Gaylord Michigan and had 1 son my age. So, I was uprooted from everything I had […]
Wobbly Road: Part 2

I really did have a pretty good childhood from 8 years to 14 years. I also had some really scary times. We will just say I can remember learning about adult issues inappropriate for my age at least four times. Twice from being left alone with strangers and twice from family. When I tried to […]
My Wobbly Road

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 OK God, here goes. I am not a writer at all but I was asked to write a blog once a month. I […]