Have you seen those people at the airport whose bags are too heavy and they either have to pay extra or leave some things behind? I’ve seen people literally open up their suitcases at the ticket counter and sort through and repack their stuff in front of everyone! I’m getting ready to go on […]
Nothing Like Apple Pie

I was fortunate and blessed to be able to attend a conference last October. One of the speakers, to be honest, seemed to bore me when he started out. Then what he did made me think. He had us draw a grid on a piece of paper. And he asked us to write some things […]
Wobbly Road: Part 3

My Dad left me the house in his will but with the stipulation my stepmother could live in it until she passed, and I was to go live with my sister who I didn’t even know. She lived in Gaylord Michigan and had 1 son my age. So, I was uprooted from everything I had […]
Patience in the Waiting

Have you ever been anxiously waiting on something? Maybe it was to hear back about whether you got the job, maybe you were waiting for the results of a test, or maybe you have been praying for answers and just waiting for answers. There are many different situations in life that we may face that […]

It’s important that we prepare our hearts to receive God’s Word on Sunday mornings. In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus used a parable to explain that God’s Word is like seed falling on the soil of our hearts. “…Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now it the time to seek the Lord, that […]
Through the Valley

We have all been there. The valley. Sometimes we are there for a long time. Sometimes it feels like a short visit. Sometimes we feel like we’re being used for the kingdom to do good or even great things. Other times, we wonder if God sees us at all. I once heard it described […]
Belief in Tough Times

Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time talking to many different people of various backgrounds and cultures. I have dedicated hours of my time to helping those in need, whether they require someone to talk to or simply to listen to their qualms when they need to rant. There are some whom I […]
Wobbly Road: Part 2

I really did have a pretty good childhood from 8 years to 14 years. I also had some really scary times. We will just say I can remember learning about adult issues inappropriate for my age at least four times. Twice from being left alone with strangers and twice from family. When I tried to […]
Don’t Let the Devil Get you Down

It seems everywhere I turn lately I see people struggling, hurting, and facing trials of all kinds. Some with big emotional things like family members with cancer, or children straying from the Lord, to small everyday annoyances of flat tires and minor illnesses. It really feels like our church family as a whole is being […]
Shedding Grave Clothes

Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” (John 11:43-44 NIV) Lazarus was dead. Dead. Dead. Like 4 days in […]