My youngest daughter started High School this week. And just like on the first day of kindergarten, I cried. But amidst all the snot and tears I realized that I was not simply crying because my baby has grown up. Some of those tears were shed out of fear. Just plain fear. Fear of what […]
Do You Like to Read?

I don’t read nearly enough but I love to open up a book and get sucked into a story. Ya know, one of those books that you can’t put down. When you’re forced to put it down, because well adulthood, you return at every opportunity to read just one more page. Personally, I’m a big fan of teen fiction […]
What the World Needs Now

….Is love sweet love. This is the title of a popular song written in 1965. I don’t listen much to current music, I’m more of a classic/yacht rock kind of girl. I’d rather have music playing in the background while I go about my day than have the TV blaring. I even like oldies from […]
The Greatest

I was raised in church. So all my life I have heard preaching about various topics. I love to hear the Bible stories and to relate them to my life. I have heard the love chapter read at many weddings. At funerals, the mansions in Heaven are usually discussed excitedly. I enjoy reading the metaphor […]

While in high school a friend of mine was using his father’s luxury high-end car, not something a typical teenager should be driving. As my friend was enjoying his newfound freedom, and we all loved being chauffeured around, he was feeling like the King in his carriage. Well, he got careless with this genuinely […]
What If…..

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) It has been said that the phrase “Fear not” appears 365 times in the Bible. That’s one for each day of the year. Apparently […]
It Is Written…

Have you ever been doing something difficult and knew you had the answer to making it easier available? This was a constant struggle for me in college, I did all my classes online and the answers to the questions were always readily available on the internet. Which is good and in this instance a very […]
What’s Wrong With The Ten Commandments Anyway?

Several years ago, I had a bit of a heated conversation with my grown son about “religion”. He was going on about how religion was to blame for almost all the wars that have ever happened and how a lot of religious people are such hypocrites. This was at a time when there was a […]

This past week while sitting in my daughter’s gymnastics class, I had an experience with God. I was listening to worship music and scrolling along on my phone when the song “Christ Be Magnified” by Cody Carnes came on. Right there, in the middle of all the other moms quietly passing the time, it was […]
Flying by the Seat of God’s Pants

Many of us have experienced a roller coaster ride or another death-defying amusement park apparatus at some point. Some consider it to be most exhilarating, to others it can be unnerving, and for some, it is a mixture of both. There are those that will not step on any kind of ride. I commend […]