Have you ever been anxiously waiting on something? Maybe it was to hear back about whether you got the job, maybe you were waiting for the results of a test, or maybe you have been praying for answers and just waiting for answers. There are many different situations in life that we may face that […]
Don’t Let the Devil Get you Down

It seems everywhere I turn lately I see people struggling, hurting, and facing trials of all kinds. Some with big emotional things like family members with cancer, or children straying from the Lord, to small everyday annoyances of flat tires and minor illnesses. It really feels like our church family as a whole is being […]
Reach Out & Ask

The past few months have been rough between illness and surgery; it feels like we just can’t catch a break. Most recently I underwent surgery and although I kind of knew what to expect it made me realize how much I do and how little I rely on others. It was so difficult for me […]
What’s Influencing You?

Recently I had a conversation with my toddler that made me realize how much the world around us really influences us in ways we may not even realize. As you know we are in the Christmas season. I was telling him what our plans were for the week of Christmas. He likes to know what’s […]
Finding Joy

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:2-3. I have been reminding myself of this verse a lot these past few weeks. The trials seem to just keep coming one on top of another, some minor ones […]
I’m Fine

I was talking to someone awhile back and they asked the old question, “Hey, how are you doing?” Without much though I gave my usual response “Oh I’m good”. We talked briefly about superficial things and life in general, not really delving into any real details or substance. Anything remotely negative either wasn’t brought up […]
When Being Good isn’t Good Enough

Growing up mostly in church and attending youth events in the early 2000’s, a common question that I’d hear was: “Do you know where you will spend eternity?” We were encouraged to ask others this question as well and the typical answer we would hear was “heaven of course.” However it was the answer to […]

Have you ever been hurt by someone? The pain of betrayal cuts deep through you like a knife, especially if the person who hurt you is someone you care about. You may try to move on from the anger and resentment, but feel like they don’t deserve your forgiveness. Maybe they haven’t apologized for the […]
God Provides

The other day I came across this short little story by an unknown author: “An old man stood on his front porch as flood waters approached. An Army National Guard truck stopped in the street and the driver called, “C;mon, we’ll take you to safety.” The old man answered, “Naw, the Lord’ll take care […]