I Don’t Want to Grow Up

At the time I am writing this blog, the two year anniversary of my Mother’s graduation to heaven is only a few days away. Lately, I have been missing those who have gone on before me. My mind drifts to memories of lazy mornings with my Grandmother, Aunt Peggy and Momma sitting around the dining […]


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You likely have heard the word testimony before and may have listened to others share their personal experiences, but have you ever put much thought into your own testimony? I think we often make the mistake of believing that if we didn’t have some earth shattering major transformation in our lives that our testimony doesn’t […]



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What does it mean to share your faith?   When I moved to Tennessee I was unsure of the folks on the road side that yelled and thumped their Bible. Frankly, it was a little much for me. I was raised in church, but it was hush hush! NO talking out loud. I didn’t understand […]