I’m just gonna say it- some people are hard to love. It’s true. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Some people are hard to love. But, Pastor Dennis said something that really got to me in our staff meeting this week. He said that this Christian life is not […]
5 Minutes In Hell

When my brother, Jimmy was in his mid-40’s he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 2 years to live. As a Christian, his diagnosis led him to a great curiosity about what death and heaven would be like. I was curious too. I started reading books and other accounts of people who had […]
Long Lines and Heavy Traffic? Yippee!

I admit it. I’m an impatient person. So much so that I never pray for patience. Oh, I know I should. But I can’t risk it. God might decide to teach me patience and the only way to learn patience is to practice patience. So no. I can’t risk it. I’m one of those […]

I take pictures of everything. When my children were young, I took pictures of all their “firsts”- first tooth, first haircut, first school bus ride, first day of school. I still take pictures of my youngest daughter on the first day of each school year. What I don’t have is pictures of their “lasts”. […]
It Starts with Me

Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in the worries of this world? Feeling helpless to the spiritual and moral decline of the world we’re living in? I do. I worry about my children…. my grandchildren… (which I don’t even have yet!)… I worry about my lost loved ones and my fellow believers. Satan […]
God Didn’t Answer

Have you ever prayed and asked God for something and He didn’t give it to you? For example, have you ever prayed for a sick loved one to get better but they died? Have you ever prayed for God’s hand of protection but there was an accident? Have you ever prayed for a lost loved […]

Before Saturday, May 7, 2022, very few people would have recognized the name Rich Strike. Today, the horse, Rich Strike has become a household name with his come-from-behind victory in the 2022 Kentucky Derby. Just last year, Rich Strike’s owner purchased him for $30,000. Far less than the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid […]

As Easter approaches, we are all reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Like many of you, I have been reading the account of Jesus’s journey to the cross this week and have found myself convicted of a bad habit. Complaining. Jesus was preparing to die for sins He […]

The dictionary defines the word “copy” as a verb meaning “to imitate the style or behavior of”. That’s a pretty simple definition, right? But, I’ve received mixed signals about copying all my life. When I was in Kindergarten I was given “Copy Work”. The teacher would print letters on a sheet of paper and […]