Throughout history people have questioned and theorized the essence of good vs. evil. These ideas are shown in many religions throughout the centuries and manifested in our moral compasses. We are all aware of the christian stance on good vs. evil; how God is perfect and good and Satan is cruel and evil. But in […]
Try Again Tomorrow

Sometimes we mess up in ways people would deem unredeemable. We can’t necessarily call them mistakes because we knew what we were doing, knew it was wrong, and still did it. At some point, some of us start to believe that because others can’t forgive us, neither can God. But that is completely false. Something […]
Troubles to Triumph

A lot of people say that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, but we don’t always feel that way. Sometimes when life keeps throwing trial after trial at you it’s hard to see if you are improving at all. As Christians, we say that God has a plan and a purpose behind everything that […]