Each Spring, I make the same mistake – I plant too much yellow Summer squash. You see, I love sliced squash, well salt and peppered, and fried in butter, but my children have a different opinion of this vegetable. I guess my over planting comes from my Spring-time hankering and the fact that the squash […]
I Heard it Through the Grape Vine

When my family and I first moved to Tennessee, I was thrilled to discover several grape vines on my property. With glee, I looked forward to my little vines producing grapes and I dutifully weeded around them in expectation; however, they did not produce that year. Thinking they needed fertilizer, I told my sons […]
Life Lessons

If you come and visit my family at our homestead, you will quickly notice that my husband loves geese. Now, I don’t have any particular affection for these creatures. I find them, uppity, messy, loud and quite vindictive. If I had my way, and I’ve told them this, I would send them all to freezer […]