“What is my purpose?” That’s a question I hear a lot. And my answer is simple- your purpose is to let God use you to reach others.
But, what does that look like?
Well, in some ways, it looks different for everyone. It’s all about experimenting and seeing how you can use your passions and abilities for Him. For example, if you like to knit or sew, think about how you could use that for God. Could you make blankets for a children’s hospital or scarves for the homeless? Or if you like to work on cars, could you offer to change the oil for a widow or a single mom? Maybe you like to mow yards or pull weeds. Maybe you like to write. Whatever you enjoy. Figure out how to use it for God. You don’t need a Theology degree. You just need a willing heart.
In the meantime, look for opportunities to reach people for Him in your everyday life. If you do, you will find that you have access to people that most pastors and missionaries don’t.
Here are just a few ways that you can be used by God today:
You can reach the people in your home. Be a good example of someone who tries to live for God and admits their mistakes. Let your family see God’s love and forgiveness through you. Share with them how your faith has impacted your life.
You can reach people for Christ in your community– at your job, at the gym, at your kid’s ballgames, and at the grocery store. Be open and friendly. Have conversations. Be a good listener. Look for opportunities to mention your faith, to mention your church, to pray with people, or to lend a helping hand.
You can reach people for Christ in your church. Volunteering on a ministry team or giving financially to the ministry of your church is important. But, there are other ways to reach people in the church as well- by smiling and welcoming guests, by praying with others (you don’t have to be a pastor or a prayer expert to lift someone up to the Lord), or by being helpful- opening a door, making a cup of coffee, filling a need.
You can reach people for Christ online. We live in a time where we can literally reach the world without leaving home! Share a Bible verse. Repost your church events and sermon links. Offer a prayer. Be encouraging.
Your life can be a ministry! Your world is your mission field. Start today. He will use you in a mighty way.
“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples if you love one another.”
John 13:35
Lord, I want to be Your hands and feet. Use me. Help me to recognize opportunities in my everyday life to reach others for You. Empower me to live boldly for You in every aspect of my life. May everything I say and everything I do, glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Extraordinary Purpose - February 18, 2025
- Kingdom Is Coming - December 19, 2024
- Fourth Man In The Fire - October 23, 2024