“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

-Matthew 14:29-30


I help out with my church’s youth worship team. We try to get them ready to lead worship for the church’s Sunday services about once a month. One of the songs they sing very well is the song “Fix My Eyes” by the group For King and Country. The teenagers that make up the youth worship team seem to really identify with the words. It is one of the few songs reserved just for them to lead at our church.


I have been thinking about that song a lot lately. Many of the problems of our own lives and in a broader sense, with the whole world, is our lack of focus on God. He is the answer.


God explains how to spend our money wisely with saving, tithing, and spending. But we often over-extend our finances in the name of fun and cut ourselves short financially. God tells us to bring all of our concerns to Him, but we choose to talk ideas over with friends to get advice rather than talk to the one who loves us most and who wishes only the best for us. The world does not have our best in mind, but God does. When I look to Jesus and seek His approval, everything else becomes clearer and falls into place.


Paul was the first missionary. I love to read about his life as a missionary, wandering wherever God wanted him to be, sharing the good news of Jesus with all the people he met. I romanticize it in my head when I read my Bible, but Paul did not have it easy. He was arrested many times, imprisoned, had a painful thorn of the flesh, was bitten by a snake, was shipwrecked, and faced all sorts of troubles. Through it all, Paul kept speaking the word of God, sharing His love. 


Paul’s eyes had once been blinded by the light of God, but as God’s ambassador, he kept his eyes fixed rightfully where they belonged. It is easy to see that Paul truly relied on God to supply all of his needs. He wrote to the Philippians:


And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

-Philippians 4:19


Am I fixed on God? Am I focused where I should be?


One of the Biblical stories that makes me cry is the story of Peter walking on the water that we find in Matthew chapter 14. I think it is fascinating and so exciting to think of Peter walking on the water. The part that makes me cry is the fact that he could do it……but when the wind blew, Peter became afraid and took his eyes off Jesus. So he began to sink! I cry because I am like Peter! I believe. I step out in faith. And then the wind blows. I become distracted. I look elsewhere. Though that glance is brief, I have to call for Jesus to save me because I have begun to sink. 


I pledge to fix my eyes on the one who loves me and has my best at heart. Eyes on Jesus!

Emily Kilby
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