As we all know, there has been a lot of drama surrounding this year’s Olympic games. From a tasteless and offensive opening ceremony to questions of gender… the 2024 Olympics have been a bit controversial to say the least. Opposing views abound. But regardless of our beliefs and opinions over such things, there is one […]

Have you seen those people at the airport whose bags are too heavy and they either have to pay extra or leave some things behind? I’ve seen people literally open up their suitcases at the ticket counter and sort through and repack their stuff in front of everyone! I’m getting ready to go on […]
“Merry Christmas”?

“Merry Christmas!” “Have you been a good little girl?” “Is Santa coming to see you this year?” These are often things that we say to children at Christmas time. To adults we say things like, “Merry Christmas! “Is your tree up yet?” “Is your shopping done?” Notice what (WHO) is not mentioned in those […]