The Asbury Revival. Everyone’s heard of it by now. People from all over the country have flocked to the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky, to see and experience it for themselves. It all started on February 8th when a group of students at a Christian College, Asbury University, didn’t want to leave when chapel […]
5 Steps to Overcome Doubt

Have you ever lost faith in something you had previously trusted? For example, I lead the tech team in the sound booth and part of my job is to train new volunteers on how to run slides. The task is usually straightforward: click the slide just before it’s asked for, so the process is seamless. […]
Broody Chickens and Conspiracy Theories

When we first moved to Tennessee and started homesteading, the first animals we raised were chickens. My father-in-law, wanting to support our endeavor, brought some of his full grown chickens all the may from Maryland to Tennessee. He gave us an older hen, who did not lay anymore but was an excellent brooder. Since she […]

Have you ever been hurt by someone? The pain of betrayal cuts deep through you like a knife, especially if the person who hurt you is someone you care about. You may try to move on from the anger and resentment, but feel like they don’t deserve your forgiveness. Maybe they haven’t apologized for the […]
Root Bound

I have a room at the front of my house that is mostly windows. I treat this room like a greenhouse. I could probably call it my therapy room. I love plants. I love to see what I can get to grow. If I find seeds, I’ll put them aside so I can place them […]
Some People are Hard to Love

I’m just gonna say it- some people are hard to love. It’s true. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Some people are hard to love. But, Pastor Dennis said something that really got to me in our staff meeting this week. He said that this Christian life is not […]
Prayer, Scripture, Praise

Once again, the time has come to make new year’s resolutions. You know; getting in shape, reading more, eating less, slowing down, being more productive, staying more hydrated. Unless you’re like me and had previously decided to give up on some of those dreams entirely. At least that was my mentality going into 2023. Now […]

What a Nanny Goat Taught Me about Restoration When I read the Bible, I am struck by how God always restores something to a better state than the original condition. Jacob was cheated in his wages seven times by his uncle Laban, but God blessed Jacob and increased his flocks so he left […]
God Provides

The other day I came across this short little story by an unknown author: “An old man stood on his front porch as flood waters approached. An Army National Guard truck stopped in the street and the driver called, “C;mon, we’ll take you to safety.” The old man answered, “Naw, the Lord’ll take care […]
Let it Rain

Isaiah 45:8 says, “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.” Sometimes the rain makes me grumpy. I admit it. All the times I have heard people say, “April […]