WHAT IS THE SOUND OF FREEDOM ABOUT AND SHOULD I SEE IT? The Sound of Freedom is a movie based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a federal agent that rescues a boy from child sex traffickers, and then learns that the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous […]
What Do I Choose
Today I read a statement. “What you don’t change, you choose.” What am I choosing? I get up every morning, and go about my morning routine. You know the drill, shower, brush teeth, fix my hair, etc. I go downstairs and pour a cup of coffee. I then go sit on the couch and pull […]
A Clean So Powerful
All of us have seen those adds for laundry detergent or all-purpose cleaning spray or some newly imagined delivery system for dish soap that claim to be so powerful at cleaning, that dirt just flees as soon as it is applied. The close-up camera angles show the little bubbles of dirty grease repelled, as if […]
There’s a sign near the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii that reads “BEWARE OF INVISIBLE COWS”. No joke. And they couldn’t be more serious. This very tall mountain is filled with open cattle ranges. Sometimes at night or even during the day when the fog is thick, which is very common at that elevation, dark […]
Good VS Evil
Throughout history people have questioned and theorized the essence of good vs. evil. These ideas are shown in many religions throughout the centuries and manifested in our moral compasses. We are all aware of the christian stance on good vs. evil; how God is perfect and good and Satan is cruel and evil. But in […]
What’s for Dinner?
Have you ever felt a craving for food, but you just could not figure out what you wanted? When I was pregnant with each of my four children, I had this predicament. It was always something different and it always seemed counterintuitive because it was often accompanied by nausea. I remember with my last child, […]
I’m Fine
I was talking to someone awhile back and they asked the old question, “Hey, how are you doing?” Without much though I gave my usual response “Oh I’m good”. We talked briefly about superficial things and life in general, not really delving into any real details or substance. Anything remotely negative either wasn’t brought up […]
Try Again Tomorrow
Sometimes we mess up in ways people would deem unredeemable. We can’t necessarily call them mistakes because we knew what we were doing, knew it was wrong, and still did it. At some point, some of us start to believe that because others can’t forgive us, neither can God. But that is completely false. Something […]