I went into the office to make some copies. The copy machine said that the toner waste receptacle was full. We had to empty it. I had never done it before, but I probably make the most copies here at the church, so I volunteered. After some direction and guidance, I took the silly thing […]
My Wobbly Road

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 OK God, here goes. I am not a writer at all but I was asked to write a blog once a month. I […]
Reach Out & Ask

The past few months have been rough between illness and surgery; it feels like we just can’t catch a break. Most recently I underwent surgery and although I kind of knew what to expect it made me realize how much I do and how little I rely on others. It was so difficult for me […]
He is in the Waiting

I count myself among the people in my life, friends and family, that are asking God to move in their lives and they are waiting. Everything from people needing surgery and waiting on an opening, marriages that seem to be falling apart, and just being discontent in the way that the world and our country […]
From My Perspective

As a 22 year old living in this day and age, life isn’t exactly easy, but I was blessed to be in a loving environment. However, as I talk to more and more of my peers and meet all kinds of new people, I’ve come to find it hard to talk about my religion or […]
Quick and Slow

How many of us have a list of things we need to get done? Do you look at your list and time out what and when and who? What can wait, what can’t? When do these things need to be done? Who are the people, and in what order are the said things being done? […]
El Shaddai

Our women’s group did a study this month on the names of God and it has been so impactful on my prayer life that I wanted to share one of my favorite names of God with you today- El Shaddai. This name for God appears over 40 times in the Old Testament mostly in Genesis […]
What’s Influencing You?

Recently I had a conversation with my toddler that made me realize how much the world around us really influences us in ways we may not even realize. As you know we are in the Christmas season. I was telling him what our plans were for the week of Christmas. He likes to know what’s […]