I laughed loudly yesterday when I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Don’t follow me. Sometimes I do stupid stuff.” I laughed, but then I thought again. So accurate for myself. I mean, don’t we all sometimes do stupid things? If you don’t, that is amazing (and maybe a lie)! 🙂 We have […]
Grief is a (not so) Funny Thing

When my first husband, Stacey, died I remember looking around at all the people driving to work, going out to eat, grocery shopping… living life. My world had come to a screeching halt and they were still carrying on as usual. And I was going to have to carry on too. A few weeks later, […]
Don’t Worry

Last night my husband told me “You worry too much”. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it and no doubt it won’t be the last either. We are in the process of readying our house to put it for sale. I have lists and I like to check things off my list. It feels […]
I will take door #1!

Who remembers the game show Let’s Make a Deal with Monty Hall? I remember watching him as a kid. They have the new and improved version with Drew Carey, but Monty Hall was the best in my book. It was always exciting to me when contestants would choose between door one, two, or three. I […]
How Does Your Garden Grow?

My husband and I enjoy planting, tending, and harvesting from a garden in our backyard each summer. Bill is very vigilant about the dirt, making sure the soil in which we plant is rich with minerals. We get excited to see the bean plants sprout from the seeds that we covered with earth. We watch […]
The Secret of Shema

For thousands of years, Jewish people all over the world have prayed the same words every morning and every night to express devotion to God. This prayer is called the Shema and it reads like this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your […]
Group Think

What group or groups do you belong to? Are you male or female, Christian or non-Christian, US citizen or from another country, old or young, married not married, union, non-union, Republican or Democrat? I happen to be an older woman married to a man who is the mother of two sons. I am also a […]
In the Vale

Usually, in a vale or better known as the valley, many unique things take place. When I think of a valley the first one that comes to mind is Death Valley. From 1849 to 1850, the valley got its name from a group of pioneers that were lost and ironically only one person died as […]
But….am I REALLY Listening?

Listen to me; listen, and pay close attention. -Isaiah 28:23 I recently had a moment of awareness while sitting in a faculty meeting with my coworkers. I teach in a public school. All teachers were required to be trained to use a program that applies to most people in the school. It is a […]