I have the privilege to be part of a late night show on Twitch called Pastors After Dark, on this show we take anonymously submitted questions about anything and everything, then we give a biblical answer to them live. During our off season, we’ve decided that we all need to be healthier, so we’re doing […]
It Really is That Simple

Have you ever confidently walked up to a store’s door and pushed the handle only to find it didn’t budge? Have you then proceeded to look down and realized the door says “pull”? That’s so embarrassing, right? You would think that after thousands of years of human adaptation we would be smart enough […]

As Easter approaches, we are all reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Like many of you, I have been reading the account of Jesus’s journey to the cross this week and have found myself convicted of a bad habit. Complaining. Jesus was preparing to die for sins He […]
How to know your Eternity is secure.

Throughout my life I can honestly say I can’t remember a time that I didn’t believe in God. As a child, my family, sporadically, attended different churches with different denominations. I went to loads of Vacation Bible School programs during the summer and even was a part of the youth group here, at Grace, during […]
Where Does My Help Come From

It is sometimes odd to me that I am surprised by the fact that God moves. He answers prayers, He guides us along our paths, He comforts, He disciplines, He affirms, and He protects. I could go on, but you get the idea. These are things that shouldn’t surprise me. I know these attributes of […]
Handling War?

The last several years have been unusual, to say the least. Between COVID, lockdowns, endless political divisions, contested elections, and everything else it’s been a crazy couple of years. Now, war? How should a Christian respond in such uncertain times? When the entire world is going crazy, when darkness seems to be prevailing, when we […]
My Patch of Ground

I can smell it in the air, and I can hear it too, Spring is approaching! As the days get longer and Winter gives way, we feel the warmth of the sun in the morning, and we hear the birds chirping in the trees, and see the daffodils coming up through the soil, and this […]
Blessed and Grateful

I love the song, “The Blessing”. I am in awe of the fact that I have seen it play out and I have faith that I will get to watch it continue. My Pappaw and Mammaw had three children. Through those three, God blessed them with nine grandchildren, twenty-one great grandchildren, and nine great great […]
The Voice of God

Over the last several months we have been going through a study in the book of Joshua. The other day I was reading again in Joshua 7 and some things really jumped out at me. Things that I think if we aren’t careful we could miss but they are so very applicable for today in […]