When my brother, Jimmy was in his mid-40’s he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 2 years to live. As a Christian, his diagnosis led him to a great curiosity about what death and heaven would be like. I was curious too. I started reading books and other accounts of people who had […]

The other day I was scrolling through social media and came across a post that posed this question: “If asked, what would the people who know you say you love?” The answers varied greatly. Some people listed foods such as ice cream, pizza, or coffee. Others said their family, friends, and even sports teams. At […]
Long Lines and Heavy Traffic? Yippee!

I admit it. I’m an impatient person. So much so that I never pray for patience. Oh, I know I should. But I can’t risk it. God might decide to teach me patience and the only way to learn patience is to practice patience. So no. I can’t risk it. I’m one of those […]
Tomatoes and Foot Washings

With a large garden, I preserve a lot of my harvest, especially tomatoes, by pressure canning. The process is straightforward. One places veggies in a glass canning jar. Then, one makes sure to wipe off the lip of the jar, very well to ensure a good seal. Next, a flat lid with a rubber seal […]
Life is Tough

As the anniversary of September 11th came about this year I couldn’t help but think of the days and weeks that followed . This was a day that affected all of us in one way or another. Some directly and others indirectly, but we all felt something. In the days after 9/11 we saw people […]

I take pictures of everything. When my children were young, I took pictures of all their “firsts”- first tooth, first haircut, first school bus ride, first day of school. I still take pictures of my youngest daughter on the first day of each school year. What I don’t have is pictures of their “lasts”. […]
Death Is Just A Doorway

August 27, 2022 marked the one year anniversary that my momma went to her eternal home. I miss her. There are so many things that remind me of her. Silly little things to great big important ones. There are things about myself that I never knew took after her. I cook because we have to […]
Squash and Wealth Management

Each Spring, I make the same mistake – I plant too much yellow Summer squash. You see, I love sliced squash, well salt and peppered, and fried in butter, but my children have a different opinion of this vegetable. I guess my over planting comes from my Spring-time hankering and the fact that the squash […]
When Life Gets Busy…

Over the last year I find myself busier than ever, being a mom to a one year old and working full time. I often find myself at the end of the day wondering where the time went. Anytime I sit down and try to take a break from all the happenings I can’t help but […]
Do I Need to Eat Soap

I grew up in a home where bad words were not what I would call bad. My mother’s favorite bad word was “Foot”. Literally, she would say, “Oh Foot”, when she was frustrated or angry. So you may understand why then, if I said cr#$, or dan% it, I would get the look. (Just so […]