August 27, 2022 marked the one year anniversary that my momma went to her eternal home. I miss her. There are so many things that remind me of her. Silly little things to great big important ones. There are things about myself that I never knew took after her. I cook because we have to eat. That is my mom all the way around. However, I bake because I love to. Mom didn’t love to bake, but she did it when she wanted a cookie or a cream puff. My mom was very artistic. She worked in several different mediums. She was a published author. She wrote and illustrated a book based on the life of my mammaw. I am not published, but I love to write. Most of the artwork in my home was done by my mom.
Plants, oh my goodness, plants. I never knew I enjoyed them until I started growing things. My mother could throw a seed in dirt and keep the plant that grew from it alive for years. My sisters and I still have pieces and starts of her plants. She had a geranium that was so old it had bark. Greenest thumbed woman I ever knew. I recently dropped some lemon seeds in some dirt, and now I have 15 lemon trees sprouted in my front porch room.
My momma could sing! Oh, could she sing. She and her sisters sang together all the time. Up until mom couldn’t talk anymore, she could sing. If we started a song, she would come in in perfect harmony, always on key. She was amazing. I miss being able to call her if I’m struggling with a part, but my daughter called me a couple days ago and asked me for help with a part. I didn’t tell her I bawled when we got off the phone. My momma hated shoes. I love shoes, but I love to be barefoot. My dad would say he had to put rocks in our shoes to get us to wear them.
Mom loved to be outside. Dad got her a fancy camera, and every morning, rain, snow, or heat, she was out taking sunrise and sunset pictures. I love being outdoors as well. Everything seems to be better outside. Mom didn’t care much about how her clothes looked. I used to get on her for the fact that her socks never matched her outfit. She would say, “Bonnie Ellen, they’re just socks, who cares.” I like cute clothes, but I don’t mind my old ones. They’re comfortable. However, my socks have to match.
I miss her, but I wouldn’t want her to give up where she is for my missing her. Oh the things she is seeing and painting now. She is with my dad, my grandparents, and so many more that went before her. She is up there worshiping Jesus with her more than perfect voice as I write this. We have been singing a song in church lately. One of the lines is, “Death is just a doorway into Resurrection Life”! Isn’t that beautiful? It’s only a doorway to something better.
1 Corinthians 15:55 says “Where, O death is your victory? Where is your sting?” Hosea 13:14 says “I will deliver this people from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. Where, O death, are your plagues? Where, O grave, is your destruction?” She ran a long race and finished well. She is delivered. She is victorious.
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