I don’t read nearly enough but I love to open up a book and get sucked into a story. Ya know, one of those books that you can’t put down. When you’re forced to put it down, because well adulthood, you return at every opportunity to read just one more page. Personally, I’m a big fan of teen fiction (Adult fiction goes a bit darker than I’m comfortable with.) I like book series like Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson, Maze Runner, and the Divergent series. I remember reading each of these series and being so enthralled with the plot that I couldn’t stand the idea of not finishing them.
There is nothing as satisfying as reaching the end of a book or series and seeing the entire plotline come to a close. Suddenly, it all makes sense. All the loose ends, all the drama, and suspense come to a satisfying end. The writer knew what they were doing the whole time, they wrote the story with the end in mind.
I always wanted to be a writer, I love to think creatively and work through complex and action-packed plot lines. When I began to take writing seriously a few years ago, I read a few books about fiction writing. One thing I learned and it has stuck with me is the author always knows the end. In fact, you should have the last chapter of your book written before the first, then everything else builds up to that big ending.
That is exactly how God wrote our story of redemption, with the end in mind.
Ephesians 1:4
says “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight”.
Before God penned creation, He had already written the end. Before light was spoken into existence, God already knew that humanity would rebel and fail. We would be eternally damned and He already knew how He would save us. He knew that He would give up His one and only Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sins.
2 Timothy 1:9-10
says “He has saved us and called us to a holy life-not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10 but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel”.
This was His plan before the beginning of time, it was all about Jesus. So it’s no wonder that we look through scripture and see everything pointing to Jesus.
In fact, did you know that the very first word of the bible reveals the gospel of Jesus?
Intrigued? I hope so.
Genesis 1:1 reads: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”.
The first word of the bible is “בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית” or “Bereshit”(be-re-sheet) It simply means “In beginning.”
Remember, Hebrew reads right to left, not left to right like we are used to. So let’s look at the word in closer detail and remember the order of the letters. Right to left. Another unique attribute of the Hebrew alphabet is that each letter also has a symbol and number associated with it. Let’s remember that as we begin looking at the first word of the bible.
“בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית” or “Bereshit”
The first letter of this Hebrew word is “bet” or “בְּ” – which represents a tent.
The second letter is “resh” or “רֵ” – it represents the head.
Together, these first two letters “bet resh” or “בְּרֵ” is the Hebrew word for “bar”
“Bar” is the same word in “Bar Mitzvah” and it means “son.”
The next letter in this Hebrew word is the “aleph” or “א” – it represents God.
The fourth letter is the “shin” or “שִׁ֖” and it represents teeth and destruction.
The fifth letter is the “yud” or “י” and it represents a hand or law.
The sixth letter is the “tau” or “ת” and it represents… wait for it… a cross. (Not kidding)
Bereshit literally reads: “בְּרֵ” Son of “ת” God “שִׁ֖” destroyed “י” by His hand “ת” on the cross.
“Son of God destroyed by His hand on the cross.”
The very first word of the bible told the end of our story of redemption. Before the foundation of the world, God made a plan for us to be saved. We would be saved by the precious blood of Jesus. The entire Bible is pointing to Jesus. Don’t believe me, just look:
In Genesis, Jesus Christ is the Breath of Life.
In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb.
In Leviticus, He is our High Priest.
In Numbers, He is the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
In Deuteronomy, He is the prophet like unto Moses.
In Joshua, He is the captain of our salvation.
In Judges, He is our judge and lawgiver.
In Ruth, He is our kinsman redeemer.
In 1 & 2 Samuel, He is our trusted prophet.
In Kings and Chronicles, He is our reigning King.
In Ezra and Nehemiah, He is the rebuilder of the broken down walls of human life.
In Esther, He is our Mordecai.
In Job, He is our ever-living Redeemer.
In Psalms, He is our Shepherd.
In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, He is our wisdom.
In Song of Solomon, He is our loving Bridegroom.
In Isaiah, He is the Prince of Peace.
In Jeremiah, He is our righteous Branch.
In Lamentations, He is our weeping prophet.
In Ezekiel, He is the wonderful four-faced man.
In Daniel, He is the fourth man in life’s fiery furnace.
In Hosea, He is the faithful husband, forever married to the backslider.
In Joel, He is the baptizer of the Holy Ghost and fire.
In Amos, He is our burden bearer.
In Obadiah, He is mighty to save.
In Jonah, He is our great foreign missionary.
In Micah, He is the messenger of beautiful feet.
In Nahum, He is our strength and shield.
In Habakkuk, He is God’s evangelist crying, “Revive thy works in the midst of the years!”
In Zephaniah, He is our Savior.
In Haggai, He is the restorer of God’s lost heritage.
In Zechariah, He is the fountain opened up in the house of David for sin and uncleanliness.
And in Malachi, He is the Son of Righteousness rising with healing in his wings.
In Matthew, He is the King of the Jews.
In Mark, He is the servant.
In Luke, He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel.
In John, He is the Son of God.
In Acts, He is the Savior of the world.
In Romans, He is the righteousness of God.
In 1 Corinthians, He is the rock, the Father of Israel.
In 2 Corinthians, He is the triumphant one, giving victory.
In Galatians, He is your liberty, he set you free.
In Ephesians, He is the head of the Church.
In Philippians, He is your joy.
In Colossians, He is your completeness.
In 1 & 2 Thessalonians, He is your hope.
In 1 Timothy, He is your faith.
In 2 Timothy, He is your stability.
In Titus, He is truth.
In Philemon, He is your benefactor.
In Hebrews, He is your perfection.
In James, He is the power behind your faith.
In 1 Peter, He is your example.
In 2 Peter, He is your purity.
In 1 John, He is your Life.
In 2 John, He is your pattern.
In 3 John, He is your motivation.
In Jude, He is the foundation of your faith.
In Revelation,
He IS your coming King!
The Author knew what He was doing. He wrote the end before the beginning, it’s all about Jesus. Jesus is on every page of scripture.
It’s all about Him.
Likewise, our lives are called to be all about Him as well. John 3:30 says “He must become greater; I must become less.”
Jesus is already on every page of scripture but are we allowing Him into every area of our life? It’s quite possible and common to accept
Jesus in scripture and cut Him out of our life. Jesus doesn’t just want to be who we read about, He wants you to live your life in relationship with Him. Turn to Him, lean on Him, trust in Him, pray to Him, live like Him, rest in Him. This is the life you are called to as a child of God, a life of surrender, a life of faith, and a life of rest.
Surrender to Him and rest in His embrace today.
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