I have been dwelling on a loved verse:


Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires. -Psalm 37:4


And I pray, “Take ALL of me. May my LIFE be an offering unto YOU, oh Lord!” I repeat that prayer often. I was even given a song that sings that line to God. It truly is my heart’s desire.


Now how do I realistically hang onto that throughout the day? 

-through aggravations

-in sickness

-when someone replies unkindly

-while confused

-on the Monday-est Monday

-in tragedy

-when my patience is lacking

-in sadness

-when I see something detestable in God’s sight

-in anger

-during that walk through the dark valley

-in fear

How do I hang on to my heart’s desire through it all and truly live as an offering to my beautiful Savior?


Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires. -Psalm 37:4


To delight in something means to take great pleasure in it or to even be enchanted by it. I may love chocolate cake, but it would not please me if that were the only thing I had to eat for a whole week. In fact, GOD – through His Word, His presence, His forgiveness, His love – is the ONLY thing that can truly satisfy completely. The world offers temporary fillers that only make us feel good for a little while. The love of Jesus and His perfect peace is what we need to delight in.


I am still working on this, but I have found that if I focus on God in all circumstances, I can remember to live as a beautiful offering to God….. I have to not only read His Word, but I have to recall His Word throughout the day when things happen – good, bad, ugly, sad, or joyful – all things can be understood better through eyes that are using God’s Word as a filter. I have to pray – big serious prayers that lead to tears, little quick prayers of reminder to myself, requests for help, and lots of prayers of praise and thankfulness. I have to praise – say loving words to God, sing beautiful lyrics to God, and thank Him whole-heartedly for all He has done.


How can I delight in the Lord and become a living offering that blesses God? 

For me, the answer is to search for Him in all things.  


Let the whole world bless our God and loudly praise Him. -Psalm 66:8


May all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you! -Psalm 70:4a 


Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to be pleasing and beautiful in your sight. I am so thankful this happens through the salvation I receive from your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray I continue to grow closer to You through my daily habits. Help me to read the Bible and commit verses to memory so I can recall them when hard times come throughout the day. Help me to communicate with you through prayer, especially when I am facing difficult situations. Help me to remember to praise you in all things, because with praise comes great power. You are good, and I know you will help me to become more like what you want me to be as I continue to search for you and be filled with your joy and gladness, Lord! Thank you for all you are working in our lives and in our church! We pray You would be in control of every detail, that we would quit trying to control everything, just trust You with it all, and obediently say YES when you give us a command! 

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Emily Kilby
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