Hi friends,


Sometimes, I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. And that’s okay. 


It is not my job to have every answer, and it’s a good thing it’s not my job. Month after month God has been trying to teach me and show me over and over again that everything is on His time and I don’t need to know the answer because He has it under control.


Being in a relationship with God is just like being in a relationship with any other person …except the other person, in this case, happens to be the most perfect being of love. God wants nothing but the best for us. He wants us to follow Him and feel confident in where we go and the only way to do that is to communicate.


God always has a plan. It might not be our plan, but it’s the best plan for us. Prayer and meditation allows us to take the time to talk with God and really try to understand what He wants us to do. If we don’t take the time to talk with God, how are we supposed to know what he is trying to help us improve and remain on a path of progress?


As I am entering adulthood and learning how to navigate through life, I have struggled with God’s lesson of being patient with His plan. I suppose by trying to become more independent, I have prioritised my own plans over His.


So I suppose my questions this week are: What is something God has been trying to teach you? Have you been paying attention to the lesson?

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