I think one of the biggest questions our world asks today is “If there is a God, does He love me?”.

I also think that if this question were truly understood we would see far less depression and sadness in the world we live in.

Everyone has a basic desire to be loved. I mean we fight for it, we sing about it, and in some cases debate and protest it. For most of us, love is at the core of who we are, after all, we were made from it! But the lack of love is at the root of, just about, all of the issues our modern world faces every day. The lack of love has dire consequences, not just to us but those we encounter throughout our lives. Love has the ability to unite and heal but the absence of it has the ability to divide and completely destroy.

We’re all familiar with what it looks like when people aren’t loved in the ways they are supposed to be. We know the destruction it can cause when hurting people, hurt other people. We see it on the news all the time. I wonder though, what would our world look like if we truly knew that we were loved by the Creator of the World. What would it do for us to know that we don’t have to be confined to how other, flawed humans, show love but we could look past that and see that the Creator of love sees and adores us?

I honestly believe that what our world is missing, is love. Which is an odd thing to say in 2019.  Those who weren’t shown love properly or, in some cases, at all are struggling now to overcompensate with freedom and non-judgment. On the flip side of that, there are others who are distant and prefer to find love in a non-intimidating ways, through the safety of the good ole internet.

The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 31:3

“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Let that sink in for a minute. The God who created the oceans, the sky, the wind, every mesmerizing sunrise and sunset, all the people we hold so close to our hearts. That God, says He loves us with an everlasting love! Man, if there is one thing in life I want, it would be to experience that kind of love. A love with no expiration date. We are only capable of comprehending a fraction of a love like that. One definition of everlasting just simply says “eternity”!

We are loved eternally by the God of Love. Knowing that can change the world!

Jessica Evans
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