Nutrition should not be the bane of our existence.


Recently, I completed a 21-day devotional with a couple of friends on the Bible App called “Made to Crave.” It is based on the book of the same name by Lysa TerKeurst. A Bible study about dieting is not going to be life-changing for you unless you are looking for and ready for that change. I am ready to return to the healthy self I once knew.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” Though this scripture is used for many reasons, I love to repeat it to myself whenever I am tempted to do anything within this body that may come between God and me….even overeating.


My body is my personal temple to the Lord. It is the place I worship Him, do His work, speak to Him, and show love to others. It is the space I am given that truly belongs to me. It is the only thing in this world of which I can be truly in control. While I will never be a magazine model or a movie star, or just a size 2, I know that I want my temple to be the most wonderful, comfortable place for me to live this life in a pleasing way for God. I have the exercise down (if you don’t, simply walking works wonders!), and am now returning to the ever-important diet changes to help me in this task of acquiring my healthy self.


I KNOW FOR A FACT that feeling healthy feels much better than


giving in to a chocolate craving.


So in light of the 20 pounds of which I need to rid myself because of the heart disease and diabetes that runs in my family, I did as the author of the study did. I created my own diet plan rules. I thought I’d share them. Yours would probably look different, but here are mine:

  1. I am in charge – not a victim of food, stress, or feelings.
  2. I can celebrate without food.
  3. Remove temptation when possible.
  4. My body is a beautiful temple that needs good, wholesome fuel.
  5. Sundaes are only for Sundays.
  6. Rate food from 1-10; if it isn’t at least a 7 (for health or taste), don’t eat it!
  7. God FIRST in ALL things!


Maybe you didn’t need this nutrition pep talk, but I did! And I bet you have someone in your home or family who is struggling with diet. Help them out with some encouragement. Spend some time walking and talking with them rather than eating with them.


Here’s to a clean, healthy temple!

Emily Kilby
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